What We Believe
Daytona Biker Church is an autonomous body of believers which functions under the authority and grace of Christ. Through honest relationships with honest teaching, the body grows in faith and knowledge through a covenant relationship with Christ as the head. Since the church is not a club all patches, clubs and ministries are welcome adhering to the principles designed by Christ in the New Testament.
If you're interested in learning more about our ordinances, read the Daytona Biker Church Statement of Faith.
Our Story
Daytona Biker Church was founded in 2018 as a brotherhood of bikers with an intense desire to reach un-churched bikers with the message of salvation through Jesus Christ. Through honest teaching of the Word and the building of honest relationships, we continuously strive to grow our faith as Christ Followers. It is our desire to create an honest, loving and open environment where bikers can teach bikers about salvation through Jesus Christ and to help one another live a Christ centered life.
Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere and sometimes in the middle of nowhere you find yourself.​
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