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Writer's picturedaytonabikerchurch

Bow legged, Bald and Single? - 2 Corinthians 10:10

Onesiphorous wrote that "Paul was a man of middling stature with a bald head and crooked legs with knees far apart in a good state of body, with eyebrows meeting and nose somewhat hooked and an unbroken brow that lay across his forehead like a dead caterpillar." The biblical description in 2 Corinthians 10:10 says, "For they say, his letters are weighty and strong but his bodily presence is weak, and his speech of no account." Writers say Jonathan Edwards, who delivered the now famous sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," was so visually impaired he had to hold the manuscript within inches of his eyes and that he unimpressively read the sermon to his congregation beginning the first Great Awakening in New England in 1741.

I wonder sometimes how people come to know Christ as a personal Savior. Was it through some large evangelistic event, like a Billy Graham Crusade. or an incredible music experience that a mega church like Hillsong or Elevation church brings with great emotion? Was one those revivals or concerts the key? Maybe in some circumstances those things work but more often than not it is the grandparent, father or mother, who quietly prays every day. It is the person who lives committed to the principles of Christ, who enters the world of others with humility, respect and genuine love that reaches a person. It is the person who isn't the fiery evangelist but the dedicated person who needs help to write, teach and deliver the letters that come from the heart. It is sometimes as in my case a person who quietly and simply says, let me share with you my experience.

The emotional experiences are not wrong and I don't condemn those great worship events. Anything that brings the true gospel message is a part of ministry, but more often than not we reach people by returning to the valley and living alongside them so they can hear and see the genuineness of our faith. Witnessing someone's true self submitting to the true God is where most people learn about Him. Paul was unimpressive physically. We don't even know if Paul was married, widowed or single, but we know he lived his faith fully dedicated to bringing others to the cross. Meeting resistance and opposition from the church and towns where he traveled.

Maybe we are bald, blind, flawed, slow speaking, unsure or unimpressive but we have a role in His ministry. Maybe we need others to deliver our letters or maybe just living fully and faithfully is what brings others to faith in Him. As one person wrote: We are only responsible for the effort, we are not responsible for the outcome.

There is an old hymn written in 1917 by Thomas Chisholm. Living For Jesus and verse 3 says:

Living for Jesus, wherever I am,

Doing each duty in His Holy Name.

Willing to suffer affliction and loss,

Deeming each trial a part of my cross.

Have a great week.


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