That same night the LORD said to him, “Arise, go down against the camp, for I have given it into your hand. (Judges 7:9)
Have you ever wondered "what's next?" Seems like something comes along and knocks the wind out of us and just about the time we can stand back up something else comes along that knocks us down again. I have heard people say that every time they get a few extra dollars or a tax refund something breaks on the car or in the house and all that money, they wanted to save or use for something else goes to fixing the problem.
I am reminded of the farmer Gideon who has an angel visit him to have him rise up an army to fight the Midianites and the Amalakites. The angel says, "I am here from God. He has done so much for your people." Gideon responds by saying, "Where are all those blessings my ancestor having talked about God? I feel like you have just abandoned us." What an honest and sincere way to talk with God. He wasn't hostile, he wasn't accusatory, he simply stated what He was feeling. Unfortunately, I think we are often afraid to talk with God about our honest feelings about things. We seem to get wrapped up in those King James version prayers and forget that God wants to have a relationship with us built in honest understanding. We aren't questioning God's power and love as much as we are questioning the why of something. My daughter, Molly, recently went on a mission trip to Africa and she was struggling with the why when she realized something. The why doesn't really matter. It is the obedience to His calling that eventually shows us the why. That is what happens with Gideon. The why comes to him, when he realizes that obedience is what God is asking of him. As a result the entire Israelite nation is saved from destruction. Not saved by his great leadership or strategy, but by 300 men using the strategy given him by God. I guess if we just stopped and asked first for him to teach us obedience then the "life wars" would be resolved by His power and strength. The why of what we are experiencing comes in the trust and knowledge of Him.
God wants us to rely on him. Hard to do but the most effective strategy is trusting His strategy over ours. Have a great week.